Cody Mitchell's Bio

BAND MEMBER; Cody Mitchell
INSTRUMENTS; Drums & Tympani
PORTRAYED BY; Brian Patrick
(Swimsuit {TV Movie}, Brand New Life)

From Lafayette, Indiana, Cody's
the All-American boy girls would
fall for.  Cody took up drumming 
@ age 13.

He also was a champion springboard diver
in high school & Purdue college.

Cody got to meet Eric Hunter when doing a diving
exhibition show @ Tropicalo Water Park.

After college, Cody moved to Philadelphia 
to get a real job.  But as luck would have it,
while testing out snare drums @ Super Music,
he met Eric.  Eric gave Cody a job
as TWA's 2nd drummer/tympanist.

Even though Eric & Cody are hottie
drummers/tympanists, they are best
friends in the band.